Самые популярные тиктокеры: мировой рейтинг топ 10

Bryce and Addison Rae

By the end of 2020, Bryce had confirmed his relationship with another well-known TikToker actress and singer, Addison Rae, who was at the time one of the most followed people on TikTok.

Addison Rae and Bryce Hall. (Bryce/Instagram)

This was one of his most prominent relationships to date, and the fans adored them.

Fans adored their relationship and all the pictures they posted online. Soon enough, fans and followers began calling them Bradison.

Unfortunately, after Bryce returned from his all-boys trip to Vegas in early 2021, news of cheating allegations surfaced.

They eventually parted ways for good and moved on with their lives.

In a tweet, Bryce clarified that he did cheat on Addison.

Bryce Hall Tweet denying cheating on Addison. (Bryce/Tweet)

However, Addison neither confirmed nor denied this statement.

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Bryce Hall Latest News

  • TikTok star Bryce Hall has responded after the founder of news outlet Pro Sports Extra challenged the influencer to a fight.
  • Bryce Hall is a TikToker with over 21 million followers on the platform alone, but like several other influencers over the past year, the 22-year-old tried his hand at boxing, participating in the headline fight of the YouTubers vs. TikTokers event against Austin McBroom.
  • On September 2, 2021, the founder of news outlet Pro Sports Extra posted a video to Twitter, challenging “Bryce Small” to fight him at an event called Rough N’ Rowdy.

For many months, Addison Rae and Bryce Hall, known by some as ‘Braddison,’ were a hot topic of conversation on TikTok. The two stars’ relationship had fans constantly guessing, but they ultimately ended up breaking up in March 2021.

Since then, Addison has moved on to her new partner Omer Fedi, and Bryce has admitted that he’s “happy for” the star.

On August 27, Rae made her acting debut on Netflix in the romantic comedy ‘He’s All That,’ starring in a leading role across from Tanner Buchanan.

The film received mixed reviews, but many were surprised to see that Bryce had made a surprise cameo in one of the scenes.

Bryce Hall Biography/ Wiki

On 14 August 1999, Bryce was born in Ellicott City, Maryland, USA, and spent a large part of his childhood along with his family members and relatives. As a child, he joined a local high school, where he was exposed to social media platforms, especially to YouNow, a broadcasting platform. Gradually, he discovered his passion for social media and started sharing his content on different platforms like Vine, YouTube, and TikTok.

Real Name Bryce Hall
Nick Name Bryce
Birth Place Ellicott City, Maryland, USA
Date Of Birth August 14, 1999
Age (as of 2022) 22 Years
Religion Christianity
Zodiac Sign Leo
Nationality American
Profession TikTok Star, YouTuber, and Instagram Influencer

Путь к популярности

В 15 лет Брайс начал вести трансляции в приложении YouNow, пытаясь завести друзей после издевательств. Платформа хорошо известна в Америке, используется для подкастинга и прямых трансляций. В конце 2014 года он начал набирать популярность на платформах Vine и Musical.ly (сейчас известен как TikTok). Брайсу удалось набрать 30 000 подписчиков, но в 2016 году социальная сеть рассказала о прекращении своей работы.

В 2015 году Брайс Холл решил начать снимать на платформу YouTube в 2015 году. Всем этим он занимался, проживая в родительском доме.

В 2018 году молодой человек переехал из дома в Мэриленде в Лос-Анджелес, чтобы продолжить свою карьеру, но уже на более высоком уровне. Большой город давал намного больше возможностей для развития благодаря большому количеству мероприятий для блоггеров, новых связей с влиятельными и знаменитыми людьми, ну и другие алгоритмы социальных сетей, которые продвигают публикации пользователей из крупных штатов Америки.

В январе этого года Холл и пять других парней переехали в Sway House, особняк в Бель-Эйр, принадлежащий компании по управлению талантами TalentX Entertainment. Там они взяли на себя обязательство создавать вирусный контент для нескольких платформ, преимущественно для TikTok. Шестеро красивых парней собирали большое количество комментариев, лайков и просмотров. Они были кумирами многих девушек со всего мира. В феврале 2021 года TalentX и соучредитель Sway House Майкл Груен подтвердили, что проект Sway House был закрыт.

Кроме собственного проекта в виде хауса, Брайс получил популярность благодаря различным конфликтам.

19 августа 2020 года мэр Лос-Анджелеса разрешил Департаменту водоснабжения и электроснабжения Лос-Анджелеса отключить коммунальные службы дома парней за нарушение мер социального дистанцирования согласно пандемии COVID-19. Правила включали запрет на домашние вечеринки с большими собраниями людей. Эти меры Холл якобы нарушил празднованием своего 21-летия. Поступило несколько предупреждений от полицейского управления Лос-Анджелеса с просьбой о прекращении вечеринок. Но Брайс Майкл Холл никак на это не отреагировал, за что и был наказан. Поэтому 28 августа городской прокурор Лос-Анджелеса предъявил ему обвинение в проступке, нарушающем закон Safer L.А. Санитарный порядок и городской “Указ о доме для вечеринок”.

25 мая 2020 года Брайс Холл вместе с коллегой по Tik Tok Джейденом Хосслером был арестован в округе Ли, штат Техас. Парни были обвинены в торговле наркотиками. Брайс был обвинен в мелком правонарушении за хранение марихуаны и в тот же день внес залог в размере 5000 долларов. Также в Твиттере ходили слухи, что штраф выплатил не сам Брайс, а семья его бывшей на тот момент девушки Эддисон Рей.

В октябре 2020 года видеозапись, полученная TMZ, показала, что Холл и некоторые из его друзей вступили в перепалку с сотрудником ресторана Cinco в Лос-Анджелесе. Несколько месяцев спустя, в апреле 2021 года, совладелец ресторана подал в суд на интернет-звезду за «нанесение побоев, нападение, умышленное причинение эмоционального расстройства и участие в актах насилия, мотивированных расой, национальным происхождением, гражданством, иммиграционным статусом и основным языком”.

Холл и ютубер Остин Макбрум начали ссориться в Твиттере, и между ними был назначен матч. 18 марта 2021 года андеркард матча был превращен в новое событие под названием YouTubers vs TikTokers, а Холл представляет сторону TikTok. На пресс-конференции, посвященной этому событию, на сцене между Макбрумом и Холлом вспыхнула драка. 12 июня 2021 года Макбрум победил Холла техническим нокаутом. Холл сказал после интервью: «Я не боец, я никогда не утверждал, что я боец». Но аудитория посчитала эти слова неправильными. Позже в интервью Keemstar Холл заявил, что хотел сказать, что он не боксер.

Strained Relationship Father

Bryce has a pretty strained relationship with father and often refers to him as a toxic personality.

“As a single mom, she worked hard to raise me and has always been my number one supporter through everything, including my screw-ups.”

He prefers not to discuss his father and rarely brings him up in conversation.

However, the few times he has mentioned his estranged father, whose identity has been withheld, has always been insults and digs.

But there is a reason for it as well. His father was mentally and physically abusive with his mother, leaving the two while Bryce was young.

He has a strained relationship with his father, and everyone around is aware of it because TikToker is verbal about it.

Back on Father’s Day of 2017, he posted a photo of him and his mom with the caption,

“Happy Father’s Day, dad thanks for being an abusive piece of shit to my mother. Here’s my fav pic of me and him #SingleMomsRule.”

Bryce Hall Father’s Day Post. (Bryce/Instagram)

Again in 2020, opening more about the strained relationship he mentioned,

“He was someone who was never around and that I knew to be abusive and irresponsible. He spent time behind bars for unpaid child support and abuse.”

Meanwhile, he has a strong bond with his mother, Lisa, and the two appear to be very close.

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Facts About Bryce Hall

  • #1He cleared up gay rumors when he asked Elle Danjean to be his girlfriend.
  • #2Hall started his social media career on YouNow at the age of 15.
  • #3 He originally started live streaming in an effort to make friends after being bullied.
  • #4He started his YouTube channel in 2015.
  • #5In early June 2020, he donated over $30,000 to the NAACP.
  • #6He attended Black Lives Matter protests in Los Angeles.
  • #7He was arrested in Lee County, TX on drug charges.
  • #8He was jailed for violating the city’s social distancing measures against the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • #9Bryce was briefly featured in the movie, Jawline.
  • #10He rose to social media prominence on Vine.

Bryce Hall’s Professional Career

According to his career, he gained fame and a lot of popularity after launching his TikTok account. On TikTok, he has over a million followers. He is a frequent poster on the lip-syncing platform. Most of his videos feature him lip-syncing to popular songs. He also posts amusing videos. On his Instagram account, Bryce Hall is frequently seen with his friends and sisters. In addition to posting his own solo photos and selfies, he uploads casual photos of himself hanging out with his friends. He enjoys photoshoots and travel.

Many of his videos are based on his daily routines. He makes videos for his fans in a “storytelling” style. In one of his videos, he reacts to his mother’s request to turn on the oven. Popular hip-hop tracks play in the background of each of his videos, which has become a recurring theme in his videos. On his videos, he doesn’t use many filters or editing tools. He uses basic colorful lighting in the background of his videos. He also has a sizable fan base on his Instagram account. His personality is both bold and refined.

Caption: Bryce Hall (source: TooFab’s)

Bryce Hall Personal Life

Bryce has been linked with many beauties since he got famous.

However, not each one of the rumors was true.

Back in 2018, he was allegedly dating American social media personality Mackenzie Brooke.

In the same year, he was linked with, TikToker and social media star Sydney Vezina.

The following year, in early 2019, Bryce was in a relationship with YouTuber Ellen Danjean.

However, the two split up on mutual terms in July of the same year.

After the two were seen together at a sway house party in 2020, there were rumors of his relationship with a 16-year-old TikToker and a Miss Carolina teen in 2019.

Suggested Read: Addison Rae & Bryce Hall Relationship Timeline

Карьера в колледже

Получив игровое время как настоящий первокурсник в 2016 году, Холл стал стартовым игроком в команде. защитный состав после перехода с широкого приемного на крайнего защитника. Он продолжал строить в течение второго сезона, начиная каждую игру.

Холл руководил всеми студенческими игроками в перерывах на младший год, и он изучал возможность участия в драфте НФЛ 2019, даже получение оценки Консультативного совета проекта НФЛ. После того, как Вирджиния победила Южную Каролину в 2018 Belk Bowl, Холл объявил, что вернется в UVA на свой последний год. В пробных драфтах на 2019 год Холл поднялся до первого раунда. Несмотря на то, что он заработал первую команду All- Конференцию Атлантического побережья и вторую команду All-American по окончании первого года обучения, Холл назвал желание улучшить себя и программу Cavalier как главную причину остаться в старшем сезоне. 32>

Предварительные имитационные драфты перед сезоном 2019 предполагали, что Холл будет претендентом на первый раунд драфта НФЛ 2020 года.

12 октября 2019 года, в шестой игре сезона в Вирджинии, Холл получил травму лодыжки. во второй четверти против Майами, который потребовал хирургического вмешательства, что фактически завершило его старший сезон и студенческую карьеру.

Внешность и стиль в одежде

Брайс из Тик-Ток покорил миллионы девушек своей блистательной улыбкой, кучерявыми волосами и эстетичным торсом. На теле Брайса есть около пяти-шести разных татуировок — это цветы, надписи и животные. У него светло-карие глаза, а волосы мелированные. Рост Брайса из тик-ток 179 сантиметров, а вес около 60-ти килограмм.

Американ бой носит стильные вещи, но не отказывает себе в худи и толстовках. Чаще всего он появляется в тёмных или светлых луках, а реже в ярких контрастных цветах.

Мерч Брайса из Тик-Тока не слишком разнообразен: черные и белые худи, леггинсы и лонгсливы с логотипом ВН. Хотя, для верного фаната, это – лучший способ поддержать кумира. Свою линейку он назвал «Bryce Hall and chill».


Who is Bryce Hall?

Bryce Hall is an American renowned YouTuber, video content creator, TikTok star, Instagram model, and social media personality, who has received global recognition as a content creator on different social media platforms including Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube because of his entertaining videos and fashion contents.

What is Bryce Hall known for?

Bryce Hall is known for sharing fashion content and lifestyle videos on different social media platforms including Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube. He is mainly popular on YouTube and TikTok for sharing his pranks and reactions videos.

Bryce Hall Wiki/Biography

Born on 14 August 1999, Bryce Hall’s age is 24 Years Old as of 2022. He was born and brought up in an upper-class family from Ellicott City, Maryland, United States. He holds an American nationality and has his belief in Christian religion.

Bryce Hall Childhood Pic

Bryce Hall Old Pic

He completed his graduation from Howard High School, Maryland. He has always wanted to be popular over social media. Initially, he started his career on an American live broadcasting service named YouNow when he was only 15 years old. He started live streaming to prevent himself from being bullied at school.

Name Bryce Hall
Full Name Bryce Michael Hall
Net Worth $2 Million
Date of Birth 14 August 1999
Age 24 Years Old
Birth Place Ellicott City, Maryland, United States
Currently Live In Ellicott City
Profession Internet Personality, TikToker, YouTuber and Musical Artist
Nationality American
Religion Christian
Ethnicity White American
Hometown Ellicott City, Maryland
Zodiac Sign Leo
School/High School Howard High School, Maryland, United States
Education Qualification High School

Bryce Hall and Austin McBroom

In March 2021, Bryce Hall and Austin McBroom announced they would have a boxing match together because of their Twitter quarrel which later turned out to be YouTubers vs. TikTokers, where Bryce Hall represented the TikTok side. The boxing match was held on 12 June 2021 at Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens, Florida.

In the match, Bryce was defeated by Austin in three around with a technical knockout (TKO). In a post-match interview, Bryce said, “I’m not a fighter, I never claimed to be a fighter” and later in an interview with a Keemstar he explained his point by saying “I am not a boxer”.

Bryce Hall is with Austin McBroom


  • Возраст, где родился и живёт. Брайс родился 14 августа 2000 года (20 лет) в небольшом городе Элликотт (центр округа Хауард, Мэриленд, США). Холл сейчас живёт там же, но часто посещает отели Лос-Анджелеса и Флориду. Эти места отмечены на его фото в Инстаграм. Его знак зодиака — Лев. Американец.
  • Вес и рост. Вес тиктокера составляет 68 кг., а рост 178 см.
  • Внешность. Брайса описывают как умного, симпатичного и мускулистого. У него голубые глаза и каштановые волосы.
  • Учёба. Брайс учился в обычной средней школе Элликотта.
  • Семья. О семье Брайса мало чего известно. Есть информация, что его воспитывала мать-одиночка. Братьев и сестер у него нет. Он единственный ребенок в семье.
  • Известность. Свою блогер-деятельность Брайс начал в 2014 году с Vine, где набрал 30 тыс. подписчиков до его закрытия. Совместно в ним, он выкладывал ролики в Musical.ly, где набрал 1 млн. подписчиков пока приложение не было объединено с Тик-Током. Особую известность ему принесли пару конфликтов. Первый произошел в августе 2015 года. Брайса пригласили в Пресс-тур с другими блогерами, но его вынудили покинуть мероприятие из-за непристойного поведения. Второй конфликт разгорелся тогда, когда его друг слил его настоящий номер телефона в сеть.
  • Личная жизнь. Долгое время ориентация Брайса было под сомнением, пока в начале 2019 года он не стал встречаться с Эллой Данжан. Их отношения продлились недолго. На любовном горизонте блогера возникла очень популярная тиктокерша Эддисон Рае. Брайс предложил Элле расставаться, а Эддисон встречаться.
  • Доходы. За всё время Брайс заработал около $1 млн. Его основным источником дохода являются социальные сети, такие как Ютуб, Тик-Ток и Инстаграм.

Bryce hall Career

He began live streaming content on YouNow in order to make new friends.  

Bryce Hall began his social media career at the age of 15 on YouNow and has since posted interesting content on other platforms such as Musical.ly and Vine.

His contents gained him followers pretty quickly before it shut down in 2016.

Later, he went ahead to create a YouTube channel where he consistently posted pranks, dances, and challenges videos with more than 3.5 Million subscribers.

Along with his YouTube recognition, he gained fame on TikTok as well, where he was seen doing dances, lip sync, and new trends.

His popularity increased in January 2020 when he moved into the Sway House, a house owned by TalentX Entertainment with other well-known influencers such as Jaden Hossler.

He then began collaborating with other popular social media stars after moving into the Sway House, paving his way as one of the most popular youth influencers in the United States of America.

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Favorite Quotes from Bryce Hall

“Everyone’s noticed that Sway Boys don’t even hang out anymore. I’m cool with everyone. It’s just the tension between Noah, Blake, and me just… It’s weird. They f*king did some slimy sh*t, lowkey. I brought these kids in, blew them up in Sway, and then I say, ‘Yo, you guys want to get another place?’” – Bryce Hall 

“I feel like though everyone’s noticed that like Sway boys don’t even hang out anymore more. Yeah, I’m cool with everyone. It’s just tension between Noah, Blake. It’s weird, very weird. They did some slimy sh-t lowkey. Well, Noah was actually nice enough to text me about it, but they brought these kids in.” – Bryce Hall 

“They’re going house hunting behind my back even though I’m, like, house hunting for all of us. So it caught me by surprise. Probably five days before we had to move out.” – Bryce Hall 

“They’re going house hunting behind my back even though I’m, like, house hunting for all of us. So it caught me by surprise. Probably five days before we had to move out.” – Bryce Hall

“I think their new house is sponsored. I don’t think they’re about that rent life yet.” – Bryce Hall

Bryce Hall Instagram

On 13 August 2014, Bryce began his social media journey as a fashion model on Instagram by sharing his travel, adventure, daily life, lifestyle, modeling, family photos, videos, and fashion content. Gradually, he amassed popularity on the platform as his photos and fashion content went viral and accumulated millions of followers.

Currently, he is one of the most followed Instagram influencers as well as a TikTok creator in the USA. With growing popularity as an Instagram model and social media influencer, various fashion, sports, as well as lifestyle magazines have featured Bryce on their covers and stories. Other than this, he has been a face and promoter of various fashion and apparel brands including GoPuff and many others. Bryce joined the Sway House, a social media group along with five other content creators in 2020.

Bryce Hall in a Tv show

Факты о Брайс Холле

  1. Холл и Блейк Грей, которые являются участниками контент-коллектива Sway House, также столкнулись с обвинениями в проведении огромной вечеринки по случаю 21-го дня рождения, на которой присутствовало около 60 влиятельных лиц.
  2. Холл и Грей отключили электричество в Sway House мэром Лос-Анджелеса за «чрезмерное веселье» во время пандемии.
  3. О его сексуальности и отношениях ходит много слухов.
  4. Позже Брайс подтвердил, что он натурал.
  5. Он любит танцевать и заниматься спортом.
  6. Оранжевый — один из его любимых цветов.
  7. По слухам, в январе 2020 года Брайс встречался со звездой TikTok Истерлингом и другим участником Hype House.
  8. Еще в 2019 году Аддисон Истерлинг отрицала, что встречалась с коллегой по TikToker Брайс Холлом, и некоторые фанаты предполагают, что она на самом деле встречается со звездой Vlog Squad Дэвидом Добриком.
  9. Звезда TikTok, у которой на платформе 14 миллионов подписчиков, только что запустил новый финансовый подкаст под названием «Столичный университет».
  10. В настоящее время он дистанцируется в творческом коллективе Лос-Анджелеса, известном как Sway House, на фоне продолжающейся вспышки коронавируса.
  11. Его биография в Instagram гласит: «Я снимаю видео в Интернете, ха»!
  12. Он любит играть в игру Супер Марио.
  13. Дом состоит из шести звезд социальных сетей по имени Холл, Джош Ричардс, Энтони Ривз, Джейден Хосслер, Кио Сир и Гриффин Джонсон, которые живут вместе, создавая вирусные моменты на TikTok и YouTube.
  14. Он заядлый любитель домашних животных.
  15. У него есть собака по кличке Чичи.

Who is Bryce Hall?

Bryce Hall is a famous internet celebrity who has a huge fan following on various social media platforms.

He is most popular for his Instagram, in which he boasts 739,000 followers and his TikTok account that has amassed just over 850,000 fans.

Bryce has a YouTube account where he posts various ‘challenge’ videos with his friends.

He did the infamous Sauce Challenge video with Jacob Sartorius and shot to fame with it after posting the video on YouTube in 2015.

The online sensation is just 20-years-old.

Hall was born in Ellicott City, Maryland on August 14, 2000.

How tall is Bryce Hall?

When watching Bryce’s TikTok videos it does seem to look on the smaller side, which is probably why everyone is always searching for his height.

With that said, we can reveal he is actually 5ft 9in, or 176cm.

What is Bryce Hall’s net worth?

Bryce Hall’s net worth is reportedly $690,000 dollars as of March 2021.

However, it may be suggested that this figure is merely from his YouTube channel, and considering he has a fair few social media profiles, his tweet suggests that he is worth more than $10 million.

Bryce Hall


Is your expectations greater than being a 21 year old worth more than $10m? If so, you must be worth more! I’d love to know! Thx for the feed back xoxo

Griffin Maxwell Brooks (THEY/THEM)


Bryce Hall I can confidently say that you have never exceeded or met my expectations

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Did Bryce Hall urinate on his own fans?

Playlist Live, an influencer convention that draws thousands of teen fans, was a staple of Hall’s yearly fan interactions by 2017.

That year, the convention was held in Washington, D.C. in early September, in addition to its usual Orlando, Florida meet-up.

During and after the weekend the convention was held, Hall became the subject of rumours about him peeing off a balcony in the Marriott the convention was held at, which resulted in him being banned from the convention.

Rumours have varied, with some people saying Hall peed onto fans waiting below.

When is Bryce Hall fighting?

The latest boxing craze is set to see the battle of YouTubers against TikTokers and there are some huge names on the card.

The boxing world has seen many influencers enter the ring over recent years and celebrities such as KSI and Logan Paul have fought each other following a war of words beforehand.

Now jumping on the bandwagon is TikTok star Bryce Hall and YouTuber Austin McBroom — who were seen promoting their upcoming fight on Tuesday when the event took a chaotic turn.

Bryce Hall vs Austin McBroom fight date, undercard and news ahead of boxing event

Much like Jake Paul’s scuffle with Floyd Mayweather two weeks prior, the press room turned into an all-out brawl, and the broadcast ended shortly thereafter.

As McBroom was talking, Hall suddenly rushed his opponent, leading to a scuffle between the two.

The two were grabbing ahold of each other as Hall went to the floor, with their teams struggling to separate them.

Is Bryce Hall in a relationship?

Bryce Hall and Addison Rae, known by some as ‘Braddison’, have certainly sparked the internet’s curiosity.

The TikTok stars’ on-again-off-again relationship has been confusing, to say the least, but for some obsessive reason, fans remain invested in the pair’s journey.

The relationship between Bryce Hall and Addison Rae has certainly sparked the internet’s curiosity

After months of speculation, Bryce seemed to confirm that there was something going on between the pair when he posted an Instagram picture of him and Addison.

However things were made slightly confusing later in the month on January 30 when Bryce tweeted that the pair were not dating — seemingly putting a stop to the rumours fuelled by their flirty TikToks.

Bryce Hall


addison and i are NOT dating!!! she’s doing her own thing and im doing mine. we’re still friends and plan to remain that way!! i still love her and we’re still gonna hang n stuff but, we’re just not gonna be kissy kissy anymore.. btw, neither of us are punching the air

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Topics: Celebrity, YouTube, TikTok

Bryce Hall net worth is $2 million

How much is the net worth of Bryce Hall? As of 2021, his net worth is $2 million (USD). Bryce Hall is the self-described “party animal” of the TikTok world but one college bash resulted in a gross prank against him that left him floored upon discovering the culprit days after the fact.

Net Worth Approx $2 million (USD)(As of 2021)
Primary Sourceof Income Social MediaCareer
Endorsements Approx $150 – $200

His primary source of income is his social media career. His advertisers pay a certain amount for the post he make. He charges for sponsorship is between $2,187 – $3,645. He also runs his own merchandise line, where he sells his own products like, T-shirts, hoodies and other accessories with various stickers and prints from partyanimal.shop. He earns he earns an estimated $5.6 K – $89.5 K from his you tube channel as well. He charges approx $5,711.25 – $9,518.75 from his Instagram account.

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Bryce Hall was landed into a controversy when he tweeted about Straight TikTok and heterophobia which created controversy over social media and he faced criticism for his tweet. Later, he realized his mistake and deleted his tweet, and issued an apology.

In 2020, Bryce Hall was also landed into a controversy when the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power shut off all the utility services of Hall’s home as he violated the city’s social distancing norms during the COVID-19 pandemic. They also banned house parties at his home as he already conducted a huge house party on his 21st birthday celebration.

He was also involved in a controversy when he accused a member of the Hype House Thomas Petrou of stealing money from the other members of the house and using it irresponsibly.

Bryce Hall Net Worth

$2 Million

Bryce Hall aka Bryce Michael Hall is an American internet personality, TikToker, YouTuber and musical artist. As of 2022, Bryce Hall’s net worth is $2 million. He is popularly known for his interesting videos on his TikTok account and YouTube channel. He is also an important member of the Sway House including Noah Beck, formed in 2019 by TalentX Entertainment.

He predominantly uploads comedy, dance, and lip-sync videos on TikTok. He also earned the precious badge for being an ace TikTok comedian as his videos are always eye-catching and interesting. As of 2021, he has accumulated over 19 million followers on TikTok and 3.5 million subscribers on YouTube.

Bryce Hall skyrocketed to fame in 2014.

The Maryland-native earned his first breakthrough with expertly-edited, tongue-in-cheek Vines that saw him shoot the breeze with his best friends, pull some genius pranks on unsuspecting bystanders, and play around with his dog, Cici. 

Source: Instagram
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He joined YouTube in 2015. His first-ever video was a response to the «Touch My Body Challenge,» which also featured fellow influencer and TikTok star, Mark Thomas. 

With views consistently on the rise, Bryce set out to Los Angeles to build a professional career as a content creator. He has been a resident of the city since 2018. 

As the chronicler of the hedonistic everyday life of an ever-growing group of rising stars, Bryce entered mainstream pop culture with his immaculately-edited vlogs depicting parties and laid-back gatherings. 

Some of these capture challenges — «He Kissed 10 Girls in 30 seconds» saw one of his friends successfully initiate contact with 10 strangers — while others offered insight into the ups and downs of Bryce’s relationship with his then-girlfriend, Elle Danjean. 

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Bryce’s TikTok account features similar content as well. 

On it, he posts adorkable videos depicting dancing and singing challenges alongside candid clips taking us behind the scenes of some of the most-envied shindigs taking place in Los Angeles. Addison Rae, Tayler Holder, Dixie D’Amelio are just some of Bryce’s regular collaborators. 

Source: Instagram
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Quick Wiki and Biography:

Real Name Bryce Hall
Nick Name Bryce
Born August 14, 1999
Age 23 years old
Profession Tik Tok star
Known For Tik Tok
Birthplace Ellicott City, Maryland, United States
Nationality American
Sexuality Straight
Religion Christianity
Gender Male
Ethnicity White
Zodiac Leo
Physical Stats
Height/ Tall In feet – 5 ft 8 in
Weight 54 Kg
Body Measurements
40-28-36 inches
Biceps Size 17 inches
Eye Color Brown
Hair Color Black
Shoe Size 9 (US)
Parents Father: Not Known
Mother: Lisa Hall
Siblings Brother: Not Known
Sister: Amelia Hall
Personal Life
Marital Status Unmarried
Previous Dating? Elle Danjean
Girlfriend/ Dating Single
Spouse/ Wife None
Children None
Education Columbia University School
Favourite Color Yellow
Favorite Cuisine Chinese and Thai
Favorite Game Super Mario
Favourite Holiday
Hobbies Playing Games,, Acting, Fitness
Social Media
Social Media Links

Bryce Hall Facts

  1. Hall and Blake Gray, who are both members of the Sway House content collective, also faced charges for the huge 21st birthday party attended by around 60 influencers.
  2. Hall and Gray had the Sway House’s power shut off by the mayor of LA for “excessive partying” during the pandemic.
  3. He has lots of rumors regarding his sexuality and relationship.
  4. Later, Bryce confirmed that, he is straight.
  5. He loves dancing and gyming.
  6. Orange is one of his favorite color.
  7. In January 2020, Bryce was rumored to be dating TikTok star Easterling and fellow Hype House member.
  8. Back in 2019, Addison Easterling denied that she was dating fellow TikToker Bryce Hall, and some fans are speculating that she’s actually dating ‘Vlog Squad’ star David Dobrik.
  9. The TikTok star, who has 14 million followers on the platform, just launched a new financial podcast called “Capital University.”
  10. Currently, he’s social-distancing in the Los Angeles creative collective known as Sway House amid the ongoing coronavirus outbreak.
  11. His Instagram bio read is, “i make videos on the internet ha”!
  12. He loves to play the game Super Mario.
  13. He is an avid pet lover as well.
  14. Blue is one of his favourite color.
  15. The house consists of six social media stars named, Hall, Josh Richards, Anthony Reeves, Jaden Hossler, Kio Cyr and Griffin Johnson, who live together while producing viral moments on TikTok and YouTube.
  16. He is an avid pet lover.
  17. He has a dog named Cici.
  18. Bryce Hall’s YouTube channel is full of videos showing off the insane parties he attends on a regular basis.
  19. Boasting a brand called ‘Party Animal University,’ it’s safe to say that Hall ascribes to the “work hard, play harder” mindset.
  20. TikTok star Bryce Hall has responded after the founder of news outlet Pro Sports Extra challenged the influencer to a fight.

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Bryce Hall became active in social media in 2014. He started with a streaming app called YouNow after getting bullied. After that, he started creating videos on Vine and Musical.ly.

Before the app was shut down, he had earned over 30,000 followers. Hall also got more than a million followers on Musical.ly.

In 2015, Hall started his YouTube channel. In 2018, he then moved to Los Angeles to pursue his social media career. Then, he joined a social media stars group called Sway House.

He also signed a contract with a management company named TalentX Entertainment, along with other members such as Josh Richards, Noah Beck, and Joe Albanese.

In 2017, he joined other influencers for The Press Play Tour. Two years later, Hall appeared in a documentary movie called Jawline.

In 2020, Hall released a podcast about finance called Capital University. That year, he appeared in Josh Richards’ music video titled Still Softish.

He also launched a merchandise line called Party Animal with the logo of Party Animal University.

He has collaborated with other internet stars such as Griffin Johnson, Noah Beck, and Charli D’Amelio.

Read more: Karol G – Biography, Profile, Facts, Family & Life Story

There are rumors claiming that Bryce was in a relationship with Mikey Barone

In the aftermath of Hall’s breakup with Addison, internet sleuths have uncovered evidence allegedly confirming that Bryce was in a relationship with Mikey Barone.

Photos of Bryce appearing affectionate with another boy are the basis of a TikTok theory claiming that Bryce Hall isn’t straight. Bryce and Mikey were known to have a strong friendship, and there were rumors that they had something more.

The rumors have resurfaced, but they don’t seem legitimate. Bryce has exclusively dated girls, and despite the never-ending rumors, there is no concrete evidence proving that he’s ever dated a boy.

Girlfriend & Dating History

Elle Danjean

Bryce Hall dated Elle Danjean, a professional dancer, back in early 2019. They used to be public about their relationship on social media.

However, they broke up later that year because of a big fight that had happened. A video was posted on Twitter of their fight.

The fight happened because Bryce received several death threats from people who knew Elle personally. Bryce angry that Elle had given his number to people who were strangers to him without his consent.

Elle was later concerned about the video getting leaked so she apologized for her behavior.

Addison Rae

Considered the “power couple” of TikTok, Addison Rae and Bryce Hall dated between 2019 and early 2021. They were in an on-and-off relationship.

Addison and Bryce were first linked together fall of 2019. They created TikTokers together hung out as well.

They were being cryptic about their relationship, giving hints but not telling the whole truth.

August of 2020, they were reported to have broken up. In October 2020, they seemed to have reconciled and got back together.

In November 2020, they posted a video revealing things about their relationship.

In March 2021, allegations of Bryce cheating on Addison surfaced. He defied those claims while Addison was silent on the matter.

Later in March, they broke up with finality, deciding to focus on their careers.

Riley Hubatka

The pair were apparently caught kissing in paparazzi footage in 2021.

It was revealed that, sometime in 2022, Hall had proposed to Riley to be his girlfriend, but Riley rejected him.

He later made a video on his channel confronting Riley about rejecting him.

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